Ode to Sew


My name is Stephanie and I love all things Fashion, Design and Sewing! Well, let me rephrase that. I love some to most things Fashion, Design and Sewing. Let’s all face it; some things that are considered “fashion” are just downright UGLY! So, for that reason, and many, many other reasons, I choose to sew.

This is my blog, my online sewing and design journal. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m selfish: I made this blog Ode to Sew for myself as a record, a journal. I need it to keep organized and sane. I aspire to grow, learn and experiment as a seamstress, and strive to be the best I can be.

I hope get to the point where this blog is a lot cooler with great images, graphics, links, followers and all that jazz.


Read on as long as you’d like to 🙂

Happy sewing to me!


5 thoughts on “Ode to Sew

  1. Hi Steph – If there is any way to connect with you directly about the drape neck silk top for my wedding, please do contact me. I can’t find anything nearly as perfect online. Thank you!

  2. Hello Stephanie, An amazing blog.! It it possible to contact you directly about a Burda Pattern- the Gathered Tube Dress ( Circa 2013)? I bought the pattern but since the website changed hands. Burda has tried to help but to no avail. Really appreciate your time and inspiration!

    • Hi there Margaret, thank you so much for your comment! I made that dress so long ago, I am not sure if I still have the pattern, but if you had other questions about it, I’d be happy to try to answer them for you. Maybe I can dig it up and see if it is still intact!

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