Something Blue

I recently got engaged to the love of my life and am on top of the world! We plan to get married soon, possibly as soon as this summer, and I have been delighted to begin thinking of what wedding dress (or dresses!) I would like to design and sew for the occasion. One part of wedding sewing, at least for me, includes lingerie and all the pretties the go along with bridal attire. and honeymoon festivities!

What better to get the sewing mojo going than an unfinished sewing project, 50% complete, that will be easy to finish and spark the beginning of more intimate and special things to make for the wedding. Especially now since one of my new year’s resolutions is to finish what I started, and to write more blog posts too!

I ordered this sewing pattern nearly a year ago from the shop All The Precious Things on Etsy:


The only alteration I made to the pattern before cutting it out of the silk was to add 2″ to the length of the front and back pieces as I felt it was a wee bit too short and may show off a little more than I desired.

So, I began sewing this lovely little cobalt blue silk negligee once again, taking the time to pin the sections together and carefully apply the lace to the cups and hems of the silk pieces of the slip:




The pieces came together fairly fast and easy, with only a front, back, cups and straps to make, plus adding the lace trim.



After a couple of French seams for the sides, a more difficult seam for attaching the cups to the front, and some careful machine and hand sewing on the slippy bias-cut silk, the slip was complete.


Stay tuned for more pretties! Happy New Year!